
24 posts

Fragility made me stronger. Much stronger. Recognizing my mortality made everything infinitely deeper. Every time I allowed someone to see my limitations, my shortcomings or my pain I became a better person. More patient. More […]

How far I can throw, nobody knows. Maybe I don't know it either, even though I've never had problems dreaming big. Inside those 8.8 pounds there is a density of thoughts, of stories, of past […]

It took me quite some time to understand that in the world there are not only climbers, but also soccer players, volleyball players, basketball players, and so on. For me it was normal to spend […]

"Hey Fanny, would you like to go to the Olympics?” “Ehm... yes. Sure! Why not!?” Here it is! It all started like this, more or less, with one of the simplest and most casual conversations […]

The human brain develops 80% of its volume during the first two years of life, letting your first 24 months on Earth determine much of the character you will have in the future. Everything takes […]

Dad dedicated his whole life to volleyball. Mom, instead, to athletics and, although she did a little bit of everything, her absolute favorite discipline was the high jump. Here: I grew up as the direct […]

Everyone says they have a dream. Sophisticated, or simple. Unrealizable at the beginning or perfectly aligned with your own natural talents, the direct consequence of a path that fate has laid under your feet. Dreams […]